How to Generate Electricity With Solar Panels


Good news for GEPCO users

Now generate electricity with solar panels, use your free electricity, and make money by selling the extra electricity to Gepco.

Gepco’s domestic, industrial and commercial customers can obtain solar power licenses and generate, use and sell electricity under net metering.

Because of the growing trend of consumers towards generate electricity with solar panels energy. The important alternative energy source, the acquisition of net metering across the Gepco region brought online to minimize paperwork and provide the best customer service to consumers. To be sure

Yes! Not only is this possible, but Gepco has issued licenses to hundreds of consumers to generate and sell electricity and has purchased thousands of kilowatts of electricity from them. There is no need to be surprised; let us tell you how all this is possible. So the first question will be how? And the answer is net metering! Now you will say, what is the name of this net metering? We don’t want to put you in any more suspense, so let us explain in detail.

What is net metering, and how does it work?

Net metering is the name of a technology that allows you to reduce your electricity bill to 0 for the next 25 years. It buys electricity from and gives credit to the consumer in return. Consumers generate electricity With solar panels / wind (solar / wind). The electricity generated from this system exceeds the user’s needs through net metering. That extra electricity goes back to Gepco’s grid and its benefits. Direct to the user. To accomplish this, Gepco has installed a “bi-directional meter” in place of the user’s normal meter as a utility, which can record the additional output generated by the user through an automated Gepco system. Returns to the grid system that Gepco pays the customer credit to his electricity bill.

Click here to apply for net metering and other information

For example, your solar system generates electricity throughout the day. Still, your home does not use electricity because you do not need to light many lights during the day, or if you live outside the house during the day, I keep going. When you come home at night and start using electricity, you get electricity from the grid. If 200 units per month went from your system to the grid and you also used only 200 units from the grid, then the calculation is equal. If you used 210 units, you only have to pay the extra 10 units, and if you used 190 units, you would get the extra 10 units.

Interestingly. So come to Gepco’s office today, make electricity, earn money and run free electricity. Now your system has been generating electricity for a whole month and has supplied Gepco instead of taking electricity from Gepco, so first you The electricity bill becomes zero. Secondly, Gepco puts the excess electricity taken from you in the bill and gives you the same amount. Is it a bargain?

What is the method of applying net metering?

First, Gepco customers have to install a solar system in their homes and to install this system, they have to get the services of licensed vendors approved by NEPRA.

At present, dozens of companies across the country are registered with NEPRA, which installs solar systems according to the net metering standards. I will list these companies to you by contacting the Gepco office or obtained from the NEPRA or Gepco websites. After installing the solar system, you will have to apply for net metering in Gepco through the same company.

The growing trend of consumers towards solar energy, an important alternative energy source. The acquisition of net metering across the Gepco region has been brought online to minimize paperwork and provide consumer access. It ensures the delivery of the best customer service. Gepco customers will need to apply online for a license. Gepco officials will visit the home, shop or industry of the applicant to find out how much can obtain solar energy from there. Once everything is settle, NEPRA will issue the license to the user at the request of Gepco.

How can you apply for a new meter?

Gepco’s management has always strived to provide the best services to its customers. The growing trend of consumers generate electricity with solar panels, an important alternative energy source, Gepco has launched an online application for net metering across the region. The action can be minimize and ensure the delivery of excellent customer service to customers. In this regard, I also organized training workshops on circle level across the Gepco region. During the workshop, the participants were briefed on how to facilitate the processing of applications received from the users. How to solve the problems faced by the users in this regard and remove all the unresolved questions and ambiguities in this regard.

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