GEPCO Chief Executive Appeals To Public


Keep your children and Animals  away from electrical installations during rainy season, GEPCO chief executive appeals to public.

The Loss of Human Life Is By No Means Acceptable:

In rainy season, people should strictly follow safety precautions and stay away from GEPCO installations, poles and wires etc.

If you see a broken wire, do not go near it and immediately call the phone numbers on the electricity bills. The GEPCO Helpline 118 or the phone numbers of the special crisis monitoring cell at GEPCO headquarters.

GEPCO Help Line Phone Numbers:

  • 0559200516
  • 0559200504
  • 0559200592
  • 03183991949
  • 03183991950

Chief Executive Muhammad Ayyub said that the chances of accidents increase while working on the lines during the rainy season. So the line staff and the public should strictly follow the safety measures during the rains. He has appealed to the people they should keep their children and animals away from electricity and GEPCO installations, poles and wires, etc. during the rainy season, and report any broken or dangerous wires to GEPCO immediately.

He said that all precautionary measures should be taken to avoid accidents. Do not touch the electricity poles and wires. Do not spread on the iron or any metal wire for drying clothes as they can be easily replace by rope. You do not tie cattle with power poles and supporting wires or under high tension wires etc. Do not touch power switches, wires or instruments with bare feet or wet hands, fix faulty wiring in faulty electrical wiring and internal wiring. Perform full earthing, do not touch pedestal fan, water motor, etc. without switching off.

Call To Help Line Quickly:

If you see a broken wire, do not go near it and immediately call the phone numbers given on the electricity bills, GGEPCO Helpline 118 or the phone numbers of the special crisis monitoring cell at GEPCO headquarters 0559200516,0559200504,0559200592 and mobile. Also call 03183991949, 03183991950.

Read More : How You Can Apply New Electricity Meter

Chief Executive Jam Mohammad Ayyub said that we pray to Allah Almighty to keep our line staff safe and secure from accidents. So he directed the field staff and officers that as the number of complaints increases in the rainy season. The chances of an accident also increase, so more safety alerts are needed during this time. In this regard, the transformer is the most dangerous place, so the lineman should be doubly careful.

DO Not Work (PTW) With Our Permission:

The Chief Executive also instructed the line staff not to work without authority and PTW, to work on the line before working on the line. To line the line from both sides at the place of work, to always consider neutral and street light wire in working condition. Beware of them, never work without safety equipment. Don’t go for less that your full potential. Before starting work, think twice about the nature of work, procedures and safety measures. Don’t do Make safety equipment a part of your life when working on lines and do not risk your life no matter how many and how many emergencies. There are and all safety measures that have been devised by the department.

GEPCO Chief Executive Appeals To Public Obey them fully as working on safety lines is tantamount to committing suicide. He further ask  to GEPCO officers and field staff to inspect GEPCO installations, poles and wires, etc. Where maintenance is require. Correct and save.

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